Makoney Theme
1. Getting Started
After the theme and required plugin installations, you can either import the demo data via Appearance→Theme Setup or start from stretch following the WooCommerce store setup wizard.
In order to use Mugistore’s product patterns, you also need to have WooCommerce products and WooCommerce categories.
Read the documentation on how to set up a WooCommerce store for more details.
2. Headers
I always recommend setting up the Header and Footer of your website first.
To customize the Header, go to Appearance > Editor. From here, click on the top left icon (this is either the WordPress logo or your site logo) to open the site navigation panel. Click on Template parts to open the Template Parts overview.
Now click on ‘Header’ to open the Makoney Header template part. You will see the editor view of your Makoney header template part.
Makoney comes with two Header patterns.
Tip for the Editor:
To get a better overview of the blocks and nested blocks in use, I recommend having the List view open when working in the Editor.
IMAGE: List View
For small Template parts like the Header, it can also be helpful to activate the Top toolbar view.
IMAGE: Top toolbar
2.1. Navigation Block
The default Makoney Header comes with the following navigation options:
- Tablet- and desktop-only Navigation top bar left.
- Tablet- and desktop-only Navigation top bar right.
To fill the Navigation block with your links, you need to click on the Navigation placeholder and a Plus-Symbol will occur. Now you can click on the little ‘Plus’ button to add links to your Navigation block to create a new Navigation.
IMAGE: Add link to Navigation block
As a second option, you can open the Block settings panel via the Settings icon on the top right of the editor and choose a previously created Navigation from the select panel under Menu.
IMAGE: Select menu for Navigation block from block settings.